For Sellers

Selling your home can be a daunting task: preparing the home for sale, setting up a competitive price, advertising it and finally closing the deal making sure all documentation is in order.

Let us help you throughout this process:

- Staging your house to make it look more impressive than it already is
- Pricing it correctly based on market data but also on our experience
- Marketing it professionally, locally and overseas. Remember that Florida is a top destination for second homes for foreigners
- Implementing owner financing contracts that are convenient for you and your buyer
- And finally negotiating the best price on your behalf

Featuring our exclusive "Easy Exit Listing" and "Smart Seller" programs, we give you several options to choose from to help you sell your property in the most convenient way.

Please contact us today so that we can help you.

Para el vendedor

Vender su casa puede resultar una tarea abrumadora: preparar la casa para la venta, establecer el precio de venta adecuado, promocionar su venta y finalmente cerrar el trato asegurándose de tener toda la documentación en orden.

Permítanos ayudarlo durante todo el proceso:

- Redecorando su casa para hacerla lucir aun mejor y lograr así un mejor precio
- Estableciendo el precio de venta correcto, basándonos no solamente en la información del mercado sino también en nuestra propia experiencia
- Promocionando su casa de forma profesional, localmente y en el exterior. Recuerde que la Florida es el destino favorito de los extranjeros para la compra de una casa de vacaciones o segunda casa
- Implementando programas de financiación (owner financing) que sean beneficiosos para usted y para su comprador
- Y finalmente negociando el mejor precio para usted

Con nuestros exclusivos programas "Listado de Salida Facil" y "Vendedor Inteligente", le ofrecemos diferentes opciones que usted puede elegir para ayudarlo a vender su propiedad de la manera mas conveniente. 

Contáctese con nosotros y permítanos ayudarlo en su venta


Understanding Agency

Five Things to Do Before You Sell

Tips for Holding a Yard Sale

Ten Ways to Make Your House More Salable

Five Ways to Speed Up Your Sale

Seven Steps to Preparing for an Open House

Ten Ways to Make Your Home Irresistible at an Open House

Seven Terms to Watch for in a Purchase Contract

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Real Estate Practitioner

What You'll Net at Closing

Moving Tips for Sellers

Six Items to Have On Hand for the New Owners

Twenty Low-Cost Ways to Spruce Up Your Home

What is Appraised Value?

Understanding Capital Gains in Real Estate

Does Moving Up Make Sense?

Remodeling That Pays

Twelve Tips for Hiring a Remodeling Contractor

Sellers, Inquire Here

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